Thursday, August 19, 2010

In response to Dr Hon's new system.

During the previous assembly, Dr Hon reminded us of the new system in which we had to achieve a B3 for IS and a C5 for OC. However, most of us had no idea of the requirements which were needed to be promoted to sec 3. For example, in my class, more than half of us thought that the passing mark was C6, and thus, did not try to max out our ace points. This may be our fault. the teachers may have briefed us on this matter during the start of the year. However, if they did, it would not be possible that so many secondary 2 students have forgotten about it.

Personally, I feel that IS should not be used as a subject in which we have to go to 3Q if we did not meet the passing mark. The purpose of independent studies is to encourage students to learn beyond the curriculum. And to achieve this, we have to either be forced or to allow us to gradually gain passion or interest for a subject. The new system is a system whereby we are forced to do ace. Ace is student initiated and supposed to be a gauge in which the teacher checks how independent a student is. It also allows the student to be self learners. However, with the new system in place, the student is forced to do ace as if it is homework. Thus, there is no independence, as everything is forced.

Secondly, if a student fails to meet the requirements, he should not be sent to 3Q. In our school, 3Q is considered to be a class for students who are "failures" in their studies. If a student gets sent to 3Q, he would most certainly go into depression as he would think that he is not good enough. Also, there would be peer pressure. Peer pressure is found in every single school in the world. If a student gets into 3Q while all his friends and classmates got into IP, how would he feel? Would he have the courage to meet them again? I don't think so. This may cause a long lasting damage to him. If he is not able to recover from the shock, he would most definitely be unable to concentrate on his studies. Thus, sending a student to 3Q may do more harm than good.

Lastly, I would I like to make some suggestions. I feel that the system should revert to the old one. In the previous system, students can choose not to do ace and to concentrate on their studies. This way, students can focus on their strong suit instead of trying to be an all-rounded person.

This is what I feel about the new system. Please leave comments and share what you think about it.

1 comment:

  1. I think you guys shouldn't be discriminating your school mates. haven't you learnt any thing from To Kill a Mockingbird? You'll be surprised that these
    'O' levels people will achieve MORE than you in the long run.
